
A Little about Haiti

Ok. This picture in blurry. Here I am with my 5th grade class. Last week I practied two English songs with them everyday which they sang for church Sunday. The kids are a joy to me.
Here are some of the children lined up for school to begin. This school has about 200 students in attendence grades preschool -6th.

Flowers, flowers. We made 100+ paper geranium's for the Mother's Day Program.

Inside the church. This is at the Mother's Day Program on May 31st.

The youth sang a song for the Program. I joined them. They were singing, "Alpha and Omega". I didn't even know the song in English. Here I listen to the one beside me, read the lips of someone and sing...

People, people, people, we had about 500 come to our Mother's Day Program.

Here I am sideways ... With Baby Joos. Notice the chicken in the background. We're in the church ... There are a couple plump chickens that hang out around the church. One day, I went down to the church to teach the English to a couple youth. Low and behold, two chicken were perched on the bench my students usually sit on. It looked as if they were ready for class.

Can we fit everyone and the church in the photo? Nope.
Can you find me? I'm on the back right.
You can see the church in the background. It's still under contruction. About one third of it has a roof.
In this picture you can see the side of the church with the roof.


Everly Pleasant said...

I just found your blog because I saw that we both had "Haiti" listed under our interests. I used to live in Haiti, have done lots of mission work there and have four Haitian adoptive siblings. I just wanted to say "hello," Haiti is just sort of a rare and special thing to have in common! Are you there now?
Thanks, Everly

Anonymous said...

Anna, Thanks for putting in all those pictures. It is neat seeing the church under contruction. And all the happy faces and your big smile. I'm glad you are happy in Haiti. Love you. Momma

Sveta said...

We found you in both church pictures. Sveta

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing about your mission in Haiti. We hope you continue to grow and learn lots. We pray for your safety and that you are able to enjoy the island.
Uncle Jim & Aunt Linda