An arrow, in the hand of the Almighty Warrior, preparing to be shot straight into the Enemy's territory...
"Let my heart be broken with the things that break God's heart"
-Bob Pierce, World Vision founder
-Bob Pierce, World Vision founder
Psalm 8
O Lord, our Lord,
How excellent is your name in all the earth,
Who have set Your glory above the heavens!
Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants
You have ordained strength,
Because Your enemies,
That You may silence the enemy and avenger.
When I consider Your heavens, the work of your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained,
What is man that You are mindful of him,
And the son of man that You visit him?
For You have made him a little lower than the angels,
And You have crowned him
with glory and honor.
You have made him to have dominion over the works
of Your hands;
You have put all things under his feet
All sheep and oxen -
Even the beasts of the field,
The birds of the air,
And the fish of the sea
That pass through the paths of the seas.
O Lord, our Lord,
How excellent is Your name in all the earth!
Mission to Milo II
mission to Milo
This past week a group of high school sophomores came from East Liverpool Christian School to do "Mission to Milo". There were 3 girls, 6 boys, and 2 chaperone's. They learned about inner city ministry and did some service projects. Here we are.
RXN Monday night we all split up in groups after Aaron taught a lesson.

Aaron with his "sons": Aaron Berry( the tall one), Jonathan, and another Aaron.
Tuesday night Emily made some delicious Chadean stew and rice. We ate in the traditional Chadean manner on the floor with a common plate. The girls served the guys. Us girls first brought around warm water, soap, and a towel for the guys to wash their hands. Then we gave them their platter. The dish was very delicious. Everyone liked it.
Girls table. Great fellowship.

Each day with the kids was full and dynamic. They arrived Monday and left Thursday. I actually rode back with them and am spending this week with Aaron's parents doing an intensive study on John Bunyan's book " The Pilgrim's Progress". On Monday, we had a cook-out before RXN. I know the boys had fun playing basketball. On Tuesday, we went to Victory Mission. It is a food pantry, clothing closet, and has chapel and free counseling. The guys mainly helped with the food aspects and the girls the clothing aspects. One other girl and myself got to help with the people that came. There was a blind lady that I got to help pick out clothes. That evening Aaron and Emily gave a tour of Columbus. Then they dropped us off in two groups in downtown Columbus and we were to find our way home using the bus system. Also, we were to talk to people and show an act of kindness. When we got back we were to have a person's name and a story... I talked to a boy at the bus stop. He actually knew Emily and Aaron. I guess he'd played ball with them. On the bus, one guy from my team and I talked another young man. We were all new to the bus deal ... When we got off at our stop at 2nd. The bus driver got off and asked if we knew where we were going. He was genuinely concerned about us. He said, Don't you talk to people and say you're not from round here"... I guess it's not to common to see a group of white folks getting off in the worst part of town. (I don't feel in danger here though). Wednesday, we picked up garbage and prayer walked in the 'hood. Wednesday night was Young Disciples. Thursday, we got packed up to leave... That's a short version of last weeks going ons.

Aaron with his "sons": Aaron Berry( the tall one), Jonathan, and another Aaron.

Each day with the kids was full and dynamic. They arrived Monday and left Thursday. I actually rode back with them and am spending this week with Aaron's parents doing an intensive study on John Bunyan's book " The Pilgrim's Progress". On Monday, we had a cook-out before RXN. I know the boys had fun playing basketball. On Tuesday, we went to Victory Mission. It is a food pantry, clothing closet, and has chapel and free counseling. The guys mainly helped with the food aspects and the girls the clothing aspects. One other girl and myself got to help with the people that came. There was a blind lady that I got to help pick out clothes. That evening Aaron and Emily gave a tour of Columbus. Then they dropped us off in two groups in downtown Columbus and we were to find our way home using the bus system. Also, we were to talk to people and show an act of kindness. When we got back we were to have a person's name and a story... I talked to a boy at the bus stop. He actually knew Emily and Aaron. I guess he'd played ball with them. On the bus, one guy from my team and I talked another young man. We were all new to the bus deal ... When we got off at our stop at 2nd. The bus driver got off and asked if we knew where we were going. He was genuinely concerned about us. He said, Don't you talk to people and say you're not from round here"... I guess it's not to common to see a group of white folks getting off in the worst part of town. (I don't feel in danger here though). Wednesday, we picked up garbage and prayer walked in the 'hood. Wednesday night was Young Disciples. Thursday, we got packed up to leave... That's a short version of last weeks going ons.
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