Aaron and Emily Starr ( He doesn't seem to mind)
Emily and Little Bear
Trinity playing twister
Ivon and Trinity on the Drums. How much noise can we make?
Play me a tune... on the guitar without strings.
It's about time I write about what's been the going on around these parts ... I've been here for about a month and a half now. It's hard to believe it's already the middle of March. The feeling of spring is felt in the air. The park across the road is teaming with more life. There seems to be children out there everyday now - Big boys playing ball and little ones swinging. When walking in the 'hood, we see people out on there porches now ... We even opened the windows one day. Even, the shoots of Emmy's flowers are poking out there heads.
What is the School of Servanthood like? I hear the questions. It's like playing parcheesi with a neighbor girl; it's smelling like cigerette smoke; it's playing ball in the court with kids; it's swinging with them and given under-dog pushes; it's giving a hug; it's studying too. Most of the "study" part of my internship is reading books and writing papers. As of now, I'm reading, "Celebration of Discipline" by Richard Foster and "Compassion,Justice, and the Christain Life:rethinking ministry to the poor" by Robert Lupton. I've been learning quiet a bit about urban ministry, community development ... and charactar development. It's a good thing. The hands on part of the internship is stuff like: RXN on Monday nights ( Youth group for ages 12-18), Young Disciples, playing with the kids who stop by, Thursday nights helping another lady with her bible study for kids in a different neighborhood ...All of my being here is "learning". An important thing I remember that Emmy told me is: I am here to learn from God and serve Him. So whatever I'm doing and through whoever I'm with to be open to learn what God may teach me through them or that situation. And whenever I serve to be doing it for Jesus.Sometimes people won't appricate or notice what you do for them and that could let you down but if you're doing it for Him you won't have that let down. Because of your motive. I'm having trouble knowing what else to write...hum. I know. A few people have asked what the most challenging things has been thus far.
1. Understanding the youth and trying to communicate with them. A lot of times I don't really understand what the teens are talking about. It's not because they mummble it's just because they have a differnet set of vocabulary per say. And sometimes it's hard to know how to initate a conversation. God's teaching me though. I do ask for your prayers in that line... I'm learning all sorts of new stuff from them. Example two boys came to RXN with "fronts". For your knowlege, they are teeth jewerly for men. To me it looks like tin retainers.It's a statius thing for some people. Anyhow I was prying them is it a retainer? Did the dentist give it to you? Orthodonist? Did you make them out of tin foil? ...
2. scheduling. Another challange for me. But I'm to tired keep writing.
I will leave on this note though. I am very grateful to God to be here. I have peace in my heart and soul. " Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion which cannot be moved but abides forever" Pslam 125:1 I challenge you to be trust the Lord in all things for in Him you will be like Mount Zion!!!
Guess what I'm going to Haiti May 22nd - Aug. 13th. I've applied for my passport ... Now all I have to do is learn how to swallow pills :) No actually, there is more preparation then that. ( Swallowing pills I refer to the Malaria and/or garlic pills ).