By this time tomorrow, I'll be in Haiti. Time has been flying these past few weeks. I've had a good week preparing for this trip. Wednesday Young Disciples was kinda a go-away party for me. In the girls study, we had snacks and everyone had a turn to say something about me. Then we had an egg hunt. Inside the eggs were questions about the last 4 Bible stories we learned - creation, the fall, Cain & Abel, and Noah's Ark. Then we split up in groups and answered the questions. Then we had a sack race. At the boys study, we all sat in a big circle and talked. Then they had an egg hunt too. We all split up in groups to discuss the questions. Then boys also had an sack race and bobbed for apples. We all had a fun time.
Today, a couple of Emily's boys came by to say bye to me ... So long, till next time.
"Expect great things from God. Attempt great thing for God." - William Carey
(Pray for me that I would have an attitude like this in Haiti)